Peninsula Biblical
Counseling Ministries

"…impacting the Peninsula of Charleston, South Carolina through the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:34-40) and Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20)"


On behalf of our President and Board of Directors of the Peninsula Biblical Counseling Ministries it is our pleasure to greet and welcome you. The Peninsula Biblical Counseling Ministries (PBCM) is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization created to equip women for Biblical Leadership within their church, within their home, within their community and on their job.

We accomplish this through "the scripture only". PBCM working in concert with and within the local church uses the scripture in building our understanding of humanity, and how we minister to a "broken humanity". PBCM augments the local church in promoting love (Matthew 22:37-40) and discipleship (Matthew 18-20) providing counseling, seminars, and training through the lens of a Biblical Worldview.

"Jesus is our Hope, Dwell in HIM ~ Psalms 91:1-2"

~ Dr. Janie D. Wilson, PBCM Founder & President

PBCM is ACBC Certified!

We Are Here To Help
Biblical counseling is counseling (Colossians 3:16). It is simply personal ministry, the ministry by one person to another person. It helps specific individuals, couples, or families in their specific situations to know Christ better and handle life in God-pleasing ways.